As mentioned, day trading is a bit different from investing. Day traders focus on buying an asset and holding it for a few minutes. The idea is that of holding a trade for some time and then ending it before the market closes. Investing is different since investors rely on in-depth fundamental analysis and then hold the asset for a long time. It is not Stock Trading strategies lucidity in the market's way of behaving. uncommon for some investors like Warren Buffett to buy and hold a stock for decades. The two approaches have their pros and cons. They also have their beliefs in that some people believe that day trading is the best way to make money while others believe that investing is a safe option. STEP 1: KNOW yourself the first step in becoming a good trader is to know yourself. This is where you do a personal assessment of yourself and your experience . Most importantly, you should assess why you want to be a trader , whether you have the time to trade ,...